Giant Water Bug



Common Name - Giant Water Bug

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Hemiptera

Family: Belostomatidae

This insect, though not often seen, is hard to forget if you have tried to hold one before.  These "bugs" belong to the order Hemiptera also known as the true bugs.  Insects that are not in this family are not "bugs.".  Basically, all bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.

This insect typically grows to be about 2.5-4" in length and can fly.  They typically try to move from one body of water to another, but get confused by streetlights, and fall to the ground.  It is wise to leave these insects where they are and not disturb them.  They have large piercing-mouthparts that stab into other insects, minnows, or tadpoles and they drink the bodily fluids of their prey.  They will bite as defense.